Prehospital Care Services at Jefferson Hospital

The Jefferson Hospital Prehospital Services program provides medical direction, education and a dedicated communications center to EMS providers in the southern part of the city of Pittsburgh.

Medical Command and ALS Notification: (412) 466-7888

Jefferson Hospital STEMI and Neuro Alert System

Jefferson Hospital enables EMS agencies to activate any Stroke and/or STEMI alerts as they see fit.

For NEURO alerts, it only takes 1 positive finding on a Cincinnati Stroke Scale to activate. As soon as you identify a possible stroke, contact the Communications Center.

For STEMI alerts, we request you “Call It When You See It”. As soon as you identify a STEMI, contact the Communications Center."

Contact us

Jefferson Hospital
565 Coal Valley Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15236

Kip Jenifer, MD
EMS Medical Director
(412) 469-5308

Robert Rathi, EMT-P, CMTE
Prehospital Business Development Specialist
(724) 970-3716

Ryan Highlands, MS, NRP
Prehospital Care Coordinator
(412) 514-7263