Patient Privacy Rights and Quality Care at Jefferson Hospital

Jefferson Hospital is committed to providing the highest level of quality, compassionate, cost effective and holistic health care to you, our patient. Our goal is to focus on what is most beneficial to our patients in a climate where their interests and beliefs are respected and protected.

For patient care questions, concerns, or unmet needs, contact our full-time Patient Experience Representative Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, by calling: (412) 469-5000 and ask to be transferred to the Patient Experience Dept. At any other time, please contact the nursing supervisor.

Important notice to patients about the Medical Management LLC data breach

To protect the privacy rights of its patients, Jefferson Hospital (“Jefferson”) is announcing that approximately 800 people treated at Jefferson’s emergency department are being notified in writing that their records may have been illegally disclosed by a former employee of Medical Management LLC (“MML”), an external medical billing company. MML provides billing services to health care providers throughout the United States, including Jefferson’s emergency department physician group, Emergency Physicians of Pittsburgh, Ltd.

An MML call center employee — since terminated — has been identified by federal law enforcement authorities as being responsible for copying personal information from the billing system over the past two years, and then disclosing that information to an unauthorized third party. The personal information that was potentially compromised includes names, dates of birth and Social Security numbers. There is no evidence that information about medical histories or treatments was disclosed.

MML has secured the services of Kroll Inc. to provide identity theft protection at no cost to affected patients for one year. MML is sending letters to patients whose information may have been illegally disclosed in this incident. Affected patients who receive letters and have any questions should contact Kroll Inc. at (855) 330-6364, Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST.

Patient rights

When appropriate, the medical condition of the patient or specific legal issues are taken into consideration when providing these rights. In each of the following, the patient, family member or guardian can expect:

Participation in care:

  • to be informed of all rights and responsibilities at the earliest possible moment in the course of hospitalization or admission to other services.
  • respectful care given by competent personnel.
  • information presented in terms that can be understood concerning diagnosis, treatment and prognosis which includes alternatives to treatment and possible complications.
  • that the doctor will obtain informed consent before the start of any treatment or procedure except in case of an emergency.
  • to be able to refuse any drugs, treatment or procedure. The doctor will explain the medical consequences of refusal.
  • to be informed if your doctor is considering you for participation in a medical research program. You can decline to participate or withdraw from a research project without fear that your care will be compromised.
  • to be informed of the name and function of all health care practitioners and that assistance will be given to obtain consultation or second opinion with another doctor when requested.
  • access to information contained in the medical record.
  • assessment and management of your pain directed to optimal comfort and maximum pain relief; efforts will be made to effectively manage your pain.
  • information of known continuing health care requirements and how to meet them.

Privacy and confidentiality:

  • respect for privacy to the fullest extent possible consistent with the care prescribed.
  • case discussions, consultation, examination and treatment to be conducted discreetly and to remain confidential.
  • confidentiality regarding all records pertaining to your care, except when appropriate consent is given.

Individual needs:

  • recognition and attention to any advance directive presented in writing; you have the right to formulate an advance directive if you choose to do so.
  • the opportunity to examine and receive an itemized explanation of your bill for services.
  • information and counseling on the availability of known financial resources for your health care.
  • access to an interpreter or assistance with other communication barriers. (Notice of Program Accessibility)

Safe and secure environment:

  • to receive care in a safe setting, free from abuse or harassment including verbal, physical, psychological, sexual or emotional abuse.
  • to be free from restraint and/or seclusion unless clinically appropriate to protect the patient or others from imminent danger.

Professional and coordinated care:

  • to have your doctor and family member promptly notified of admission to the hospital unless you elect not to exercise this right.
  • that emergency procedures be implemented without unnecessary delay.
    quality care without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual preference, disability, national origin or source of payment.
  • transfer to another facility only after complete information and an explanation concerning the need and alternatives to the transfer have been provided.

Patient responsibilities

Jefferson Hospital expects patients to assume the following responsibilities. Patients are expected to:

  • provide accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to health. Report any unexpected change in condition to a responsible practitioner.
  • inform the appropriate practitioner if you do not clearly understand the course of treatment or what is expected of you.
  • follow the recommended treatment plan including the instructions of physicians, nurses or other care providers so a coordinated plan of care can be carried out. You are responsible for your actions if you refuse treatment or do not follow instructions.
  • keep appointments unless you notify the practitioner or service when you are unable to do so.
  • assure that financial obligations for your health care are fulfilled promptly.
  • be considerate of the rights of other patients and personnel and assist in the control of noise, smoking and number of visitors.
  • be respectful of the property of other persons and Medical Center services.

Concerns about patient care

Patients have the right to speak with those involved in their care or with the Medical Center’s Patient Experience Representative about patient care concerns or complaints.

To contact the Patient Experience Representative, call: (412) 469-5000 and ask to be transferred to the Patient Experience Department.

Patient safety and quality of care

As a patient, it is your right to expect the delivery of safe care in a hospital environment. Patient safety and improving patient safety initiatives are the responsibility of the Patient Safety Committee and all employees at Jefferson Hospital.

For the safety of our patients, visitors and staff, the following are prohibited at this facility:

  • The possession of firearms, weapons and explosives
  • The unauthorized taking of photographs or video/audio recordings
  • The use of tobacco products, illegal drugs, alcohol or smoking

If you have concerns, questions, or suggestions relative to the safety of care or the hospital environment, please call the Patient Safety Officer at (412) 469-7040.

Patient falls

Your safety is our first priority. Medications, unfamiliar surroundings, tests or surgery may make you feel weak or unsteady on your feet. In order to minimize the possibility of an unexpected fall, remember to call for assistance when getting out of bed or going to the bathroom.

Emergency drills