Wound Care and Hyperbaric Center

If you're suffering from a nonhealing wound, you're not alone. Every year, chronic wounds caused by diabetes, poor circulation, or other conditions, keep 3 to 5 million Americans just like you from doing the things they love to do. The Wound Care Center at Jefferson Hospital can help. Our comprehensive approach to wound management utilizes the latest clinical tools and traditional clinical practices. Your individualized treatment plan may include specialized wound dressings, debridement, compression therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, prescription growth factors, bio-engineered skin grafting, edema management and non-invasive vascular assessment.

Do you need the Wound Care Center?

If you have a sore or wound that hasn't started to get significantly better in a month, or hasn't healed entirely in two months, you should ask your doctor about the Wound Care Center. Our team of doctors and nurses are dedicated to treating wounds, including many that have resisted healing after months and even years of traditional treatment. Most of the Wound Care Center patients are completely healed in just a few months.

Who may benefit from our specialized care

A patient with a wound that has not begun to heal in two weeks or is not completely healed in six weeks may benefit from the proven, best-practice methodologies at the Wound Care Center. Some of the indic