This Notice is being given to you because federal law gives you the right to be told ahead of time about how the Allegheny Health Network Providers (AHNP) handle your protected health information (PHI), our Network’s legal duties related to your protected health information and your rights with regard to your protected health information. This notice applies to the privacy practices of the organizations listed below and any other additional entities or physicians that join Allegheny Health Network from time to time. As participants in an Organized Health Care Arrangement (OHCA) we may share with each other your protected health information, and the medical information of others we service, for the health care operations of our joint activities.
- Bethel Park Health + Wellness Pavilion
- Emergency Medicine Physicians
- Jefferson Hospital entities including professional corporations controlled or owned by Jefferson Hospital; Emergency Physicians of Pittsburgh, Ltd.; Mahpareh Mostoufizadeh, M.D.; PC Pathology Group; Pittsburgh Anesthesia Associates, Ltd.; and Jefferson Hospital Medical Staff, Allied Health Professionals, Foundation Radiology Group and all associates, affiliates and doctors who take care of you in the hospitals and in doctors’ offices and other facilities controlled or operated by Jefferson Hospital.
- Lake Erie Medical Group, PC
- Monroeville Surgery Center
- Peters Township Health + Wellness Pavilion
- Premier Medical Associates, PC
- Saint Vincent Health Center and Saint Vincent Health System, including Saint Vincent Medical Education and Research Institute; Saint Vincent Rehab Solutions; Regional Home Health and Hospice; Westminster Family Practice; Saint Vincent Consultants in Cardiovascular Disease; Westfield Memorial Hospital and all associates, affiliates and doctors who take care of you in the hospitals and in doctors’ offices and other facilities controlled or operated by Saint Vincent Health System.