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Update on Change Healthcare Cyber Event

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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare announced that they had been compromised by a cyber event. The cyber event is the largest ever reported in the U.S. and affected approximately one-third of all U.S. healthcare transactions. 

Cancer specialists talking with patient in a meeting room

Cancer Navigation Team

Cancer patient smiling while talking to members of her AHN Cancer Navigation team

AHN Cancer Navigation Team overview

Cancer is a journey no one should take alone. Our Cancer Navigation Team supports every cancer patient we serve at AHN, guiding them through diagnosis, treatment, and beyond.

Support for everything that matters

A cancer diagnosis impacts all areas of your life:

  • Your health
  • Your emotions
  • Your finances
  • Your home and family life
  • Your ability to plan for the future

It’s a lot to think about, and juggling it all can overwhelm patients and families.

The AHN Cancer Navigation Team focuses on the details, serving as a single point of contact for you and your loved ones — so you can focus on recovery.

All cancer navigation services are provided at no cost to you.

Call (412) 578-HOPE (412) 578-4673 to get started. This Hope Line is your one call to access all AHN Cancer Institute support and services.

Cancer patient smiling while holding hands with a member of her AHN Cancer Navigation team

Cancer Navigation Team members

AHN knows: Beating cancer takes a team. Your Cancer Navigation Team includes nurse navigators, financial counselors, social workers, dietitians, and other supportive care professionals — all working together to guide you through every step of your cancer journey.

Quick guide to the Cancer Navigation Team

Nurse navigators

Almost immediately after you receive your diagnosis, you will be assigned to your primary nurse navigator: an oncology nurse who specializes both in your type of cancer, and in the care and services you’ll need throughout your unique cancer journey.

AHN nurse showing a patient a booklet in a exam room. Close up of an AHN nurses hands holding a digital tablet and checking a patient's file

A single point of contact

Your nurse navigator is your hub of support during cancer and beyond — a single point of contact who coordinates the details of your care and connects you with every resource available to you.

Your nurse navigator will:

  • Meet with you at one of your first oncology appointments.
  • Give you their direct phone number so you can reach them anytime.
  • Work with your team of specialists to develop a care plan in days — one that fits your life, your goals, and your schedule.
  • Coordinate all your appointments so they’re often back-to-back on the same day.
  • Help you understand your treatments, scans, and test results.
  • Get to know you and what matters in your life, and find ways to lessen cancer’s impact that are meaningful to you and your family.
  • Connect you with other AHN navigators and staff dedicated to providing you with financial guidance, community resources, and more, depending on your needs.
  • Pay close attention to what you’re struggling with during treatment so we can quickly get you additional support.
  • Answer all your questions or connect you with someone who can.

Financial counselors

A cancer diagnosis can lead to lots of worries about money — from how to get answers about insurance coverage, to how to pay your monthly bills.

AHN financial counselors minimize that stress for you and your family. They’ll answer your questions and connect you with resources that can lessen cancer’s financial impact.

Supporting your financial peace of mind

AHN financial counselors will help you:

  • Know how much you’ll owe for care.
  • Talk to professionals who can develop a payment plan to fit your budget.
  • Understand your health insurance benefits, including copays, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket expenses. 
  • Review benefits statements from your insurance and bills from the hospital.
  • Find discount programs that reduce the cost of prescription medications.
  • Apply for grants or other financial assistance and coordination.
  • Review insurance plans, if you don’t have one, to see which is right for you.

Social workers 

The AHN Cancer Navigation Team knows that treating your cancer means caring for you in all areas of your life. Our social workers get you the emotional care and community resources you need to feel whole. 

AHN patient touching the hand of AHN Cancer Navigation team member that is resting on his shoulder A close up view of a patient clasping their hands together

Looking out for all of you

AHN social workers will:

  • Connect you with therapists and support groups to strengthen your emotional well-being during and after treatment.
  • Introduce you to the hospital chaplain if you request spiritual support.
  • Arrange assistance for household and living expenses.
  • Provide support and counseling around going on leave and returning to work.
  • Act as a resource to caregivers, friends, and family who need support.
  • Put you in contact with the Patient Ambassador Program.
  • Support you in navigating tough conversations with loved ones.
  • Help you plan your living will, medical power of attorney, or advance directive.

Community navigators

Cancer treatment often requires lots of transportation. It could be you driving across town for appointments, or your family flying across the country to be by your side.

AHN community navigators help simplify transportation arrangements — so travel doesn’t complicate your care.

Getting you where you need to go

AHN community navigators help you:

  • Find transportation to and from appointments, for patients who qualify.
  • Arrange where you’ll stay when cancer care is far from home.
  • Make hotel recommendations for your family.
  • Connect you with programs that provide financial assistance to patients who need to travel for care.


Nutrition is a key component of cancer care and survivorship. AHN dietitians work with you and your family to manage cancer symptoms and treatment side effects and to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs.

Personalized nutrition for health and healing

AHN dietitians will:

  • Manage side effects related to your diagnosis and treatment, including weight loss, nausea, fatigue, and appetite changes.
  • Teach you and your family about safe food handling and preparation.
  • Help you adjust your eating to ensure you’re getting the right vitamins and minerals important to your condition.
  • Provide support around specialized feeding treatments, like tube feeding.
  • Offer lists of dietary resources specific to cancer patients and survivors, including vitamins and supplements, recipes, home-delivered meals, and food programs in your community.
Cancer patient listening to an AHN Cancer specialist

Additional support

The Cancer Navigation Team will connect you with unique AHN programs that provide advice, fellowship, and support during and after cancer.

The Patient Ambassador Program

The Patient Ambassador Program connects you with a former patient who can provide peer-to-peer support throughout your treatment. Patient ambassadors will:

  • Draw from their own cancer experiences to offer valuable guidance to you and your family.
  • Listen to your concerns, answer questions, and respect your individual health care journey.
  • Support you at critical milestones in your diagnosis and treatment.
  • Share resources that may be beneficial to you.
  • Connect you with AHN experts when needed.
Close up of two women hugging Cancer specialists talking as they walk down hallway

The Cancer Survivorship Program

When your cancer treatments come to an end, the Cancer Survivorship Program offers highly trained, one-on-one support, whether you’re in remission or living with cancer.

The survivorship team will:

  • Answer your questions about recovery and monitor you for any recurrence.
  • Coordinate your ongoing care with all your doctors and refer you to any specialty care you may need.
  • Help you through any long-term side effects by connecting you with oncology rehabilitation.
  • Support you in resuming day-to-day routines, friendships, and sexual intimacy.
  • Help you cope with anxiety about future cancer scans.
  • Offer wellness and nutrition resources to help you live a healthier life.
  • Provide financial counseling resources.
  • Connect you and your loved ones with additional cancer support services when needed.

Contact us

New patients

Call (412) 578-HOPE (412) 578-4673 to get connected with a nurse navigator who specializes in your type of cancer. This Hope Line is your one call to access all AHN Cancer Institute support and services.

Cancer patient listening to AHN cancer specialist

Current patients

Call (412) 359-3503 to reach the nurse navigators and their support team directly.

Request a call

If you prefer, a nurse navigator can reach out to you.