A health care accelerator offering funding, a wet lab, collaboration with top researchers at AHN, and a process driven by data science and analytics.

The Future of Health Care – Accelerated
Allegheny Health Network (AHN) and Pittsburgh-based technology investor Innovation Works have teamed up to form AlphaLab Health, a health care and life sciences accelerator.
Headquartered at the AHN Suburban campus in Bellevue, AlphaLab Health will serve as an innovation hub for the region’s life sciences sector, cultivating promising medical technologies and making early-stage investments in participating companies. The collaboration between AHN and Innovation Works is also supported by Pittsburgh-area universities, corporations, and foundations.
By connecting promising companies with a network of investors, mentors, and other resources, entrepreneurial teams can accelerate their businesses toward a successful launch and faster customer growth.
Initially, the AlphaLab Health collaboration will focus on seeding four business categories – diagnostics, therapeutics, medical devices, and health information technology. Companies selected for the formal cohort will receive investment from Innovation Works and AHN.
Funding will include investment capital, financing, and even angel investors. Companies can access a wet lab, collaborate with top researchers at AHN and Pittsburgh area universities, and a take part in a process driven by data science and analytics. In addition, AlphaLab Health can help guide your vision throughout a complex health care system as well as connect you with potential customers.
Contact us
Entrepreneurs can email info@alphalabhealth.org for more information or make an appointment to talk one-on-one with a member of our team.
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