Financial aid programs help defray the cost of your education. These can be state and federal government aid programs and scholarships, private scholarships, loans, grants, and more. The Financial Aid Office at West Penn School of Nursing can help you determine your eligibility for certain programs and assist you with your applications.
West Penn School of Nursing has been preparing nursing students to practice as Registered Nurses (RN) since 1886. With our current partnership with Penn West – Clarion, student students have the benefit of taking nursing courses at a hospital-based diploma nursing program and college level academic courses online. This partnership aids the students in beginning their RN to BS in nursing in the future.
A nursing degree is an investment in your future. Review the following topics to research financial aid opportunities to fund your future investment: Tuition and Fees form.
The cost of attendance (COA) is the estimated cost (personal and education) a student may accrue while attending school. The COA includes the estimate of tuition and fees, cost of room and board (or living expenses), cost of books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous expenses.
The COA is not the dollar amount a student will pay to attend a college or university but a tool to determine what financial aid a student may be eligible to receive. The student’s total financial aid, including scholarships, grants, federal loans, private loans, etc., cannot exceed their COA.
Below is the COA for the 24/25 academic year. The COA is updated on an annual basis.
1st Year |
1st Year |
2nd Year |